JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

RHQ 4.10

Seeds List


One of the properties in cassandra.yaml is seeds. Its purpose is somewhat similar to the agent's failover list. It is a list of addresses or hostnames that Cassandra uses at start up to discover other nodes and learn the ring topology. When the topology changes due to nodes being added to or removed from the cluster, it might be necessary to update nodes' seeds list. This document describes identifies different scenarios and describes how to manage the seeds list for each of them.

Scenario 1: New RHQ install on single machine

In this scenario the user is going through a new RHQ install that will include a single storage node and a single server on the same machine. The user kicks off the installation by executing rhqctl install. See RHQ Control Script for more details on the rhqctl script.

  1. Run storage node installer for node N1

  2. Storage installer sets the seeds property in cassandra.yaml

    1. The value only consists of the hostname/address of N1

  3. Storage installer updates the rhq.cassandra.seeds property in rhq-server.properties

  4. Storage node is started

  5. Run server installer runs

    1. Server installer applies schema to storage node

  6. Server is started

  7. Run agent installer

  8. Agent is started

  9. Agent sends inventory report to server that includes N1

  10. Upon import the server adds a row in the rhq_storage_node table for N1

Note that each service is started upon installed. 

Scenario 2: Install second RHQ server

This scenario is an extension of scenario 1. Assume that there is already a storage node N1 in inventory, and it also has a row in the rhq_storage_node table. The user installs the server by executing rhqctl install --server.

  1. Run server installer

  2. Server installer obtains storage node connection params by querying the rhq_storage_node table

  3. Server installer applies schema changes to N1

    1. No changes are made since schema was already applied in scenario 1. 

Because no storage node is installed the rhq.cassandra.seeds property does not get set. The server installer will instead get the storage node connection parameters by querying the rhq_storage_node table.

Scenario 3: Install second storage node

This scenario is an extension of scenario 1. It could also be considered an extension of scenario 2. The user installs a second storage node by executing rhqctl install --storage.

  1. Storage installer runs for node N2

  2. Storage installer queries the rhq_storage_node table for up to date seeds list

  3. Storage installer sets the seeds property in cassandra.yaml

    1. The value consists of the addresses for N1 and N2

  4. N2 is started

  5. Agent installer runs

  6. Agent is started

  7. Agent sends inventory report to server that includes N2

  8. Upon import the server does the following

    1.  Adds a row in the rhq_storage_node table for N2

    2. Schedule an operation with the agent for N1 to update its seeds list so that it includes N2

The storage installer still updates rhq-server.properties in this scenario, but it was not mentioned because it is not relevant since no server is being installed. The storage installer queries the rhq_storage_table so that N2 has an up to date seeds list. Without this, N2 will not be able to form a cluster with N1. At this point N2 has an up to date seeds list, but N1 does not. This is ok. They will still be able to form a cluster. The key thing with respect to N1 is that it has an updated seeds list before its next restart. And we see this happen in step 8b where this server schedules an operation to update N1.

Scenario 4: Install third storage node

This is an extension of scenario 3. We already have storage nodes N1 and N2. The user installs a third storage node by executing rhqctl install --storage.

  1. Storage installer runs for node N3

  2. Storage installer queries the rhq_storage_node table for up to date seeds list

  3. Storage installer sets the seeds property in cassandra.yaml

    1. The value consists of the addresses for N1, N2, and N3

  4. N3 is started

  5. Agent installer runs

  6. Agent is started

  7. Agent sends discovery report to server that includes N3

  8. Upon import the server does the following

    1.  Adds a row in the rhq_storage_node table for N3

    2. Schedule an operation with the agent for N1 and N2 to update their seeds list so that it includes N3

The only distinction between this and scenario 3 is that here in step 8b we update multiple nodes. Even though N1 and N2 initially do not have N3 in their seeds list, N3 still still be able join the cluster since it does have an up to date list at start up.

Scenario 5: New RHQ install with multiple storage nodes

The user is going through an initial install of RHQ and decides up front to deploy multiple storage nodes.

  1. Storage installer runs for node N1

    1. Specify seeds list as N1, N2, N3

  2. Agent installer runs

  3. Storage installer runs for node N2

    1. Specify seeds list as N1, N2, N3

  4. Agent installer runs

  5. Storage installer runs for node N3

    1. Specify seeds list as N1, N2, N3

  6. Agent installer runs

  7. Server installer runs (on separate machine from storage nodes

    1. Prior to running the installer, the user manually sets the rhq.cassandra.seeds property in rhq-server.properties

  8. Server installer applies schema to storage node cluster

  9. Server is started

  10. Agents sends inventory reports to server that include N1, N2, and N3

  11. Upon import, server adds rows in rhq_storage_node table for N1, N2, and N3

Unlike prior scenarios where nodes are added incrementally, the storage nodes are installed up front. The user specifies the seeds list for each node during the install. The user has to do this since the RHQ server is not yet installed. Since the user knows in advance of the deployment that he will deploy multiple storage nodes, it is better to install the nodes up front because it reduces the maintenance operations involved. See Adding Storage Nodes for details on the tasks involved when new nodes are added to the cluster.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 14:01:00 UTC, last content change 2013-05-02 02:42:05 UTC.